December 9, 2010


hey readers. I've started a tumblr a bit back and forgot to mention it. If you're still interested in following me there feel free to keep reading along. I appreciate it.
Everything Edward
which also means.. i'll probably stop writing in here.

September 12, 2010


not a testimony..

Who knew the hardest question to answer the children I have been teaching at St. Paul High School would not be about God, about election, about Creation vs Evolution, or anything about theology. Rather, it would be the simplest of words joined together to create the most heartbreaking question: "Teacher Eddie, why do you have to leave us?" and "When am I going to see you again?"

My answer: A sincere and genuine hug while repeating to myself, "Never forget these kids." 

I am torn between two worlds.

September 11, 2010

"last"ing thoughts

As I come to the end of this chapter of my life, the next chapter seems promising. 

Final thoughts? Final feelings? It feels a bit surreal - as if I was leaving home to go do mission work at home. Ironic? Confusing? 

Let me digest it all and the next entry will be certainly my testimony. Thanks for reading all my posts and constantly supporting me through your thoughts and prayers. May God bless you immensely. 


August 27, 2010


There's a load of pictures of recent shindigs. So, I have decided to update with just pictures/captions. Enjoy!
Handful of KCM'ers who made us, the missionaries, BOMB donkats!
it was such a blessing to get to know the stsmers.. or at least some of them. HAHA! You are all an encouragement to me :) May we all advance the gospel always! now, mobilize! haha oh, and I refuse to conform to 2k10, 2k9 shirt ALWAYS!